Click here for this week's school newsletter:
about 6 years ago, Jan Letourneau
We are looking for a Physical Education and Health Teacher beginning in fall 2019. More information can be found here
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
In Search of Spring Track coach St. George MSU is looking for a Middle School Track and Field coach. This is a stipend position that runs from about April 8th through May 23rd. There are four regular season meets and a championship. Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found. Individuals interested should complete the St. George Extracurricular Application including a letter of interest and resume. Applicants must hold or, upon hiring, receive a Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) certification through the Maine Department of Education.
about 6 years ago, STG Athletics
Check out the most recent minutes from the February 26 Library-Media Working Group and February 27 Facilities and Programming Working Group meetings on the school website:
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
Click here for this week's school newsletter:
about 6 years ago, Jan Letourneau
The St. George MSU School Board meeting in April has moved to Tuesday, April 23, at 6:30 p.m. The April Finance Committee meeting has been moved to the same date and will begin at 5:45 p.m.
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
St. George School will be closed today, Monday, March 4, due to snow and road conditions. All high school bus runs are also cancelled.
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
Please click here for the March 2019 Menu. Thank you!
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
Please take a few minutes to participate in this community survey by the St. George MSU Early Childhood Education Working Group regarding public Pre-K programming. We welcome all St. George community members to complete the survey:
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
Picture of dragons drawn by St. George School students
Click here for this week's school newsletter:
about 6 years ago, Jan Letourneau
Due to frigid temps, we are postponing our 6th grade field trip to collect plastic debris to a more clement day (TBD). If your child has already returned a permission slip, a second one will not be needed. Thank you! Think Spring! Mrs. England and Mrs. Bartke
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
A winter swimmer jumps into icy water amid snowfall at a park in Shenyang, Liaoning province December 27, 2008. REUTERS/Stringer
Please consider running for the St. George MSU School Board! More information is available here:
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
School Board Recruitment Poster
We had lots of fun learning how to use the Carvey at the "Maker-break" today!
about 6 years ago, Amy Palmer
Fidget spinner
Designing on Carvey
Watching Carvey at work
The St. George MSU School Board meeting scheduled for this evening, Wednesday, February 13, has been cancelled.
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
St. George School will be closed today, Wednesday, February 13, due to inclement weather and road conditions. All high school bus runs are also cancelled.
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
We are looking for a World Language Teacher for the upcoming 2019-20 school year. Please find more information here:
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
We are looking for a Long Term Sub - Ed Tech III for the remainder of the 2018-19 school year. Please find more information here:
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
Boys and Girls basketball teams are enroute to Woolwich for their playoff games!
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU
Basketball picture
Basketball picture
Click here for this week's school newsletter:
about 6 years ago, Jan Letourneau
The Early Childhood Education Working Group meeting has been moved from Wednesday evening to Thursday, Feb 7, at 6 p.m. in the Art Room.
about 6 years ago, St. George MSU