Randy and Betsy's afternoon bus runs for K-8 kids will be combined today, Wednesday, April 10, 2019, leading to Randy's kids being up to 20 minutes late.

As part of our spring expedition, Birds' Amazing Bodies, both first grades were visited by Chewonki's traveling natural history program today. Students learned about characteristics and calls of different owls, adaptations of these nocturnal hunters, and saw three live owls!

St. George School will be closed today due to an incoming winter storm that is forecast to last all day. All high school bus runs are cancelled. At this time, RSU 13 and RSU 40 are also closed.

Congratulations to Lute for participating in the Maine State Geography Bee! He did a fantastic job fielding incredibly hard questions!

Randy and Betsy's afternoon bus runs for K-8 kids will be combined today, leading to Randy's kids being up to 20 minutes late.

Just a reminder that Screenagers is showing TOMORROW, April 3rd at 5:45 at St. George School. Pizza served at 5:30. Please note, this is being offered as a parent education opportunity as the film is targeted for an older audience.
More info at http://bit.ly/STG-Screenagers

Anticipated Opening: Long Term Substitute - 4th Grade Teacher. Please click here for details https://5il.co/72o7

Check out this post on the NRCM Nature of Maine Blog about the St. George School Marsh Project: https://www.nrcm.org/blog/students-engaging-in-the-nature-of-maine/st-george-school-investigating-salinity-marsh-factor-alewife-restoration/

The School Board will hold a third Budget Workshop on Tuesday, April 16, at 6 p.m. The workshop will take place in the Art Room at the school.

Music In Our School Band Concert, Thursday, March 28, 6:30, St. George School Gym
Featuring the 5th Grade Band and the Middle Level Band
Followed by a Dessert Buffet, hosted by the 8th grade to raise funds for their spring trip to Quebec.

Anticipated Opening: Life Skills Teacher - please find details here: https://5il.co/7070

Anticipated Opening: Day Treatment Teacher
Please find details here:https://5il.co/706c

Learning about music timing with visuals!

March Madness is almost here!!!
Join us for a great night of family entertainment. Watch Angels (Teachers/Parents) vs. Demons (8th grade). Food starts at 5pm, game at 6:30pm.
$5 adults, $3 students, $15 family, under 5 are free
50/50 Raffle, Games, Million dollar shot

Dragon history: Coach Cheryl Worthing and the GVHS Softball Team. Remember your roots!